5W2H as analysis tool

Today we will discuss about another problem solving tool which is particular good to analyze a situation and to define and to state the problem.

The 5W2H is a detective-type of tool. It uses the interrogation or interview technique to ask questions and obtain the information required.

This tool can also be used for defining the scope of a project, making proposals for improvement and organizing tasks. Please remember what we said about the tools in the post Ishikawa: “what we present here are only tools, and their use depends on you; they can be adapted to your own and specific needs”. So, let’s start with a short explanation and examples of the questions related to a problem or a proposal for a new project.


  1. What. As you guessed, the first question is: what happened? And the information you get should help describe the situation, know what failed or what was reported as problem. You can ask the question as many times as needed for example:
    • What happened?
    • What caused the incident?
    • What were the consequences?
    • What was going on?
    • What needs to be done?
    • What needs to be improved?
    • What will we do?
  2. Why. Possible questions are:
    • Why did it happened?
    • Why do we need an improvement?
    • Why should we solve the problem or implement the project?
  3. Who. The questions can be
    • Who was affected?
    • Who caused the problem?
    • Who will benefit from the solution or project?
    • Who will lead the process?
    • Who is responsible?
    • Who can help?
  4. When.
    • When did the problem occur?
    • When will the solution be needed?
    • When will the results are expected?
    • When was the problem detected?
    • When was the failure produced?
  5. Where. Questions can be:
    • Where did it happened?
    • Where was the defect identified?
    • Where were the consequences seen?
    • Where was the defective part produced?
    • Where is the solution needed?
See also  Gage R&R - Variables

Now, let’s see the 2H:

  1. How. The questions can be:
    • How was the problem detected?
    • How did the problem appear?
    • How will the analysis be made?
  2. How many or how much.
    • How many defective parts were found?
    • How much damage did they cause?
    • How many potential causes are there?
    • How many persons saw the event?
    • How much will the claim cost?

I frequently use a matrix to register all the information gathered. I have two arrangements for the matrix: horizontal and vertical. They are shown in the images below.

Do you need an excel file?

Here you go. Just click on the model you want. 5W2H Horizontal5W2H Vert.

Happy problem solving!!!


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Categories: Quality tools


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