Quality in the automotive industry

About me...

Hi, my name is Miguel Gómez. I am an industrial engineer and a happy professional of the automotive industry.

During the last twenty years I have had the chance to work in different areas, different countries and, on both sides of the table, the carmaker side and the supplier side.

I started my career as as commodity buyer with a carmaker. A little after, I became an advanced purchasing agent and was responsible for selecting suppliers for new projects.

Later on, I was offered to work for a part supplier and started my new job in sales and serviced the american carmakers. Ever since, I have worked for part suppliers. I have worked in Mexico, USA, France and Germany and decided to stay in Germany. It is already over a decade that I live here.

My main areas of activity have been:

– Sales.

– Project management.

– Engineering and product development.

– Quality.

I have always been involved in quality systems and I am as well a certified auditor in ISO9001, IATF16949 and VDA 6.3. One of the tasks I have always had in Quality is to train internal auditors and therefore, I decided to start writing about the quality tools in a comprehensive way. The easier the better.

About my books...

Some times, even with all modern communication channels, it is difficult to find the right information.

I learned in college hat the best book is the one you can understand. 

In my career I have always needed to learn new things. In some cases I could learn by doing or had the chance to have good colleagues or managers who shared their knowledge with me.

But in many other cases, especially with new customer requirements, standards or new products, I had to look for the right information elsewhere. Since I like reading technical books, I could often learn directly from manuals or standards but….. I have also struggled sometimes to understand some of them. I am convinced that the subject itself was not always that difficult but the explanation provided, lack of examples and background.

And the second problem was to transfer this knowledge to my team….

Therefore, I decided to write books easy-to-understand and, thinking about my peers, I started with the MSA techniques that my collegues were always asking about.

I also prepared calculation forms and practical examples. According to my colleagues,  both, the book and the forms are easy to understand and to use.

I hope to find the time to write about all the other core tools. Please share your thoughts with me….

I have two websites:

This website provides general information about quality systems, audits, tips, tricks and more.

Quality in the automotive industry

This site was supposed to be only a supplement to the book but I wanted to share more and therefore I started the blog. Soon I will write some other books about other core tools and all the “extras” will be offered here as well.

You can find the book here

Please use the ISBN as search key of follow the link.


ISBN : 978-3-00-062815-3


Miguel Gómez Plata
Willstr. 1
97422 Schweinfurt
Email Address
02171 7544594

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